What Makeup to Wear With a Bright Green Dress

Green is majestic. A solid green dress can make heads turn, people stop and exclaim wow. Makeup for green dresses is festive and fun also an add on for your overall look.

It is on the top of color choices for be it a prom,  your good friend's wedding or simply dawn on a green piece on a new year's evening and join the global celebration.

Stunning Makeup Looks for Green Dress

One can do so much with green. Today we are going to discuss makeup ideas for green dresses. Eleven of them.  This would give you much to experiment with and I hope you find your look. Ready to take a look? Let's go.

1. Pastel Green Look

makeup look for pastel green dress

When wrapping yourself in elegant pastel green, one would like to have makeup that enhances the color.  Pink tinted peach looks lovely on the lips and a brush on the cheeks. Combine this green dress makeup with black-rimmed eyes with thick black eyeliner and you are looking fabulous.

2. Emerald Green with A Pop of Red

makeup ideas for emerald green dress

Imagine yourself in a dark green solid piece, you are looking perfect. This makeup for green dress makes you regal. To hold this look together just rock a pop of red lipstick. Wear bright red lipstick with just a touch of eyeliner and you are the definition of gorgeous.

3. Rimming with Black

best makeup ideas for green dress

Apply on thick mascara eyeliner and give your eyes a strong look. Match this black and gold eye makeup option for green dress up with a soft touch of peach.

4. Go Red

makeup to go with green dress

With fair skin and a stunning bright green dress, don't be afraid to apply on a beautiful bright shade of red and match it up with a sleek eyeliner.

5. Enhance The Green with Nude Shades

nude makeup for green dress

Wonderful thing of wearing green is that all the beauties have the option of going with a bold confident statement or tone down and go for a soft innocent bronze makeup look. How to go for a soft makeup look for green color dresses, you say? Let me tell you.

First, it is preferable to go for a soft green, not necessarily light shades but something in that range. When you are satisfied, pick a pink tinted nude lipstick and give yourself a soft look. To soften the look, try nude eye makeup. Try as sleek eyeliner and your look is complete.

6. Playing with Eyes

Green is a fun color to play with. When we are thinking about eyeshadows, we tend to be careful and play it safe. But with green eyeshadow, one has not to worry. Light green is really popular and it really brings out the eyes.

Although one might think now, we go back into a comfort zone, become a little more daring. Try a tangy red or peach tinted orange lipstick and let it enhance the appearance. Now straighten your back, wear those heels and enjoy the party with makeup look with green dress.

7. Teal Eye Makeup

With dark skin, bright or light green shades on the eyes look superb. Apply to pop tangy peach and you'll get the ready to go makeup look for your green dress.

8. Go Smokey, Go Dark

smokey eye makeup for green dress

With a solid green, brown smokey eyes can go a long way. They look simply great. Match the smokey eyes with a dark maroon lipstick shade.

9. Green and Pink Combo

Try light shades of green for eyes to give your eyes a little pop. Apply light pink gloss and look young and pretty. Now you are ready to party with green dress makeup.

10. Smokey Eyes

smokey eye makeup for green dress

Go for green smokey eye makeup for your green dress, using lighter shades of green.  It gives a certain edginess.  Peach gloss holds the look and gives it a little pop.

11. When You Think Green, Think Pink

amazing makeup looks for green dress

Here we will again play with eyes. When wearing green dress keep your mind open towards pink.  Pink can be more preferable for pastel green dresses. Try light pink shades with double shading and to complete the ombre eye makeup dawn upon a sleek eyeliner. It can be a great summer look.

For lips try a darker shade of pink, you can take it to the range of dark pink. Here, remember that shimmer and glitter is your friend. So. if its summer, you are in the tropics, the weather is breezy, this is the makeup look for green dress to go for.

So here we go, some great makeup ideas you can do with a green dress. I hope you find this useful and helpful. You can do any of these makeup for green dresses or perfect one look and rock it at gatherings and parties. All of us have different styles and all of us are beautiful. So, rest assured whatever you try with the right amount of confidence you will be gorgeous and be beautiful.


Source: https://sheideas.com/makeup-for-green-dresses/

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